Battlestar galactica mp4 download
Cylon: Our forces have taken prisoners near the Space Drome. Commander Adama: I request permission to leave the fleet. Cylon: Apparently, it was not as big a surprise as we had hoped for. Sci-Fi Movie:. All Rights Reserved. Re:This rules Score: 5 , Informative. Re:This rules Score: 3 , Interesting.
Anybody know why? I looked at the resulting stream and it looks like it's not THE stream since it's just a repeating section. Or atleast that's what it looked like in vi.
Their website says rtps is supported in Helix but not Real. BTW, it really pisses me off we can't purchase channels from the cable monopolies. Re:This rules Score: 2. Most streams also have a metafile which contains the real location of the stream. The idea is that you view the text of the metafile, take the URL from that and use it as the command argument in MPlayer.
Yeah streaming seems foolish to me - just cost them more bandwidth I would think as opposed to people sharing it from their own servers.
Very smart move in my opinion. Re:This rules Score: 3 , Insightful. They also get to gauge the response better. By letting them see every time its watched for now forgetting about the few stream ripper ppl around , they can go back to their bosses with some hard figures about demand.
Fingers crossed that this is the start of subscribing yes I would pay to entire series direct from the web legally :. I'm all for an online subscription system for HQ video. As I mentioned in another thread, our cable company will not sell individual channels even when all we want is Discovery and SciFi. They want way too much for the bulk worthless junk that comes with it. Getting the feed directly from the provider would be great as long as they didn't force MS DRM or some other viewing restrictions.
The point behind streaming isn't "they can measure how much it gets watched" or anything of the like, the point is control over distribution.
They think that we can't get a copy of it which we can and therefore they can control the release of the video by taking it away whenever they feel like it yes, it's a fallacy, but that's how people think, they want control over you, and this is the one way they comfortably feel like they have it.
Watched the whole thing, wont spoil it.. The 5 years it'll take till its on terestial brittish TV - Unacceptable. This was already covered in the announcement for the 2nd season of BSG Geez Score: 4 , Funny. Kinda takes the fun out of pirating when you can download stuff legitimately. Way to go, SciFi. Thanks a lot. Re:Geez Score: 2. I'd never gotten around to watching the series, but now that my interest is piqued, I've decided to hit up bittorrent to continue watching this fantastic show.
A little ironic, to be sure, but it's mindshare - now when it comes out on DVD, I might buy it and watch it again, instead of just downloading DVD rips and watching for the first time. Bah, it's still not as good as what you can get off Bittorrent.
Already covered. Oh come on guys Don't you read the older news before you post? Easiest and Best way Score: 5 , Informative. If you're on windows, Real Alternative [google.
Registrizzle frizzle. Real alternative works pretty well, but I will have to check it out. Very smart marketing move Score: 2 , Insightful. For this 'demo' it is unlikely to hurt eventual dvd sales, there'll probably be special feature dvd's over the life of the product anyway. The show has enough hooks that it could very well give a big boost to the ratings.
Ah, but ohhh that evil red dress robot! Will it always be so? Score: 2 , Interesting. RealMedia my ass -nothing Real about it. Battlestar Galactica Available for Download Score: 2. Having Episode 33 on their uncut and comercial free whether it be Streaming Real Adio or otherwise is a good way to expand the fan base.
A better idea Score: 4 , Insightful. Come up with a bittorrent-based streaming client, and just put them ALL up, with commercials. It's probably the only way you'll get people to actually watch the commercials anyway, in this PVR-laden age. Especially sci-fi fans. Re:A better idea Score: 4 , Informative.
That would be pretty difficult, as bittorrent sends data to the downloader in whatever order it feels like, so it would be pretty inapporpriate for streaming. Re:A better idea Score: 2. There are bittorrent implementations which prioritize blocks at the beginning of the file. Even if there weren't it would be [relatively] trivial and necessary to create one.
With bittorrent and 6,4 MB down, I actually would not care for streaming. Now I know most people are not that lucky, but we are quickly getting there. Re:A better idea Score: 3 , Insightful. What you propose is yet another example of "security through obscurity". The commericals viewed this way would be secured against skipping only as long as very few sci-fi movies are distributed in this manner. You are quite right. However, if you just give away a good client perhaps by making it small and embedded into the webpage then most people won't use it, and most of them will watch or at least sit and try to ignore the commercials.
It's only when it's a pain in the ass to do things your way that most people start looking for another way to do it. More an negative than a plus Score: 2 , Funny.
Re:More an negative than a plus Score: 2. Not the same thing Battlestar Galactica Miniseries [imdb. Missing Informaton? Score: 3 , Insightful. I'm watching the streaming video, and for a Season 1, Episode 1 show, it's lost me. Was there a Season 0 or something? Re:Missing Informaton? Yes, there was the 3 hour miniseries that came out end of Its out on DVD now if you feel like catching up.
What you missed What you missed in the pilot. Humans build Cylons. They rebel, fight to a standstill, then they leave. Now they're back, and they're bad, and they can look like humans, and they essentially wiped out humanity except for this little fleet. Plus, the brilliant scientist Gaius Baltar who is supposed to be figuring out how to defeat them is also the guy who enabled them to wipe out our heroes' defenses, and is sorta seeing one of them.
Like, a really hot one. In his head, all the time. Oh, and Adama had anoth. You are waaaaay out on the bleeding edge. They're not ready for you yet. And that 0. Downloading Score: 2. I have a funny feeling that they noticed that people downloading the series before it premiered in the US created a word of mouth that resulted in better ratings.
Re:Downloading Score: 2. I probably wouldn't have watched it myself, but for that. Contrast this with their own marketing efforts, which had actually turned me away from wanting to see the show. I mean, there was Olmos himself, saying that fans of original shouldn't watch it! He was wrong, BTW. It was only the fans who brought me around.
Score: 4 , Informative. Battlestar galactica — stagione — megaupload ita download Episodio Lista degli episodi di Battlestar Galactica disponibili in streaming e download.. Italiano Gratis Pochi giorni dopo l 39 attacco a Pearl Harbor sulle coste della Guarda Battlestar Galactica: Razor film completo online gratis.
Guarda film e serie streaming HD in italiano. Sunshine Download - , il Sole sta morendo. Sunshine it p bluray. With StarBuck as a Female It's not like you will see them going to the rising star or an officer's club looking for women together anymore.
No daggit Muffy either. But I'll give the newer series a chance They claimed they knew Star Trek, and the new show will fail. But TNG made it through a rocky 1st and 2nd season. They really came into their own as the 3rd season began. Maybe the new BSG will be Ok? We'll see what happens when it starts in Dec.
I just wish people would stop slamming BSG in so many of the comments I have sat through for the last 15 mins. Some of them are by people that have just seen the series for the first time on the sci-fi channel.. It's a piece of history for SciFi. Those of you that have been slamming it. Maybe it was your first time seeing it as a rerun someplace.
Watch the newer version coming out in Dec. SciFi has a web site up for it right now giving some background into the newer 'Re-Imagined' version. Well all I want to say is. I love the show.
It still stands up to the test of time as a great series. Seeing as I have cancer Hodgkins disease and have endured a long treatment in a year and 7 months among which was a really long treatment called 'Stem Cell Transplant' Enough said. Details Edit. Release date September 17, United States.
United States. Kampfstern Galactica.