Orcs of thar pdf download
Log In I am new here. Remember me. Error: No match for email address or password. Password forgotten? Click here. Advanced Search. From Wizards of the Coast. Multiple File Formats. Average Rating 26 ratings. A Gazetteer about Orcs? It gives you a comprehensive, in-depth look at the orcs and their world, including: - Orcs and other humanoids as player characters - A large full-color map of Thar, home of the orcs - Complete rules for humanoid spell-casters - The King of the Orcs, and why you don't want to run into him - Seperate DM and Player's Booklets - ORCWARS!
Some older content may reflect ethnic, racial, and gender prejudice that were commonplace in American society at that time. These depictions were wrong then and are wrong today. This content is presented as it was originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed.
This part of our work will never end. Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. Reviews 1. Please log in to add or reply to comments. I will buy it again.. I know it will sell well.. Please contact WotC so that you can make a print copy of this, thank you! Why is this not POD its by far the most popular of all the Gazette books. I've been waiting for a print version for over a year.
Please add POD for this and 5 Shires. I would very much like to purchase a print on demand version of this book please. Lots of half-Orc race options available through the years in other editions and systems. But if you want to play an Orc race you had to homebrew your game. Somehow I missed this hidden gem. This will be a great addition to my bookshelf.
Thank you Drivethru for providing for us gamers what I can only imagine is a labor of love on your part! Pardon me, but as I add my comment to this discussion I must pause to while away the tears of joy from my face. It is with a full heart that I leave with one last, modest request. Stephen C. This book shocked me with how funny it was, in addition to being an excellent write-up on a little explored section of Mystara. It also has interesting and useful game systems in it, for exampled making humanoid classes.
Unlike Night Howlers where you [ See All Ratings and Reviews. Weapons cannot be Shifted lower than Break Check: You must fail a Strength check every time you roll an unmodified score of 1 to hit or score maximum damage with the weapon. Ifyou fal the check, your weapon is unaffected; if you succeed the check, the weapon breaks up totally. This means the price goes from 10 gp to 9 gp. Always round prices down. Example: Flea-Bottom picked up an abandoned axe on 2 battlefield.
He scores 2 19, and thus rolls ewice more. He scores 2. He rolls again ewice. He finally scores 2 6 rasty blade, again and 2 1? Flea-Bottom has a very rusty battle axe -2 to damage , with a cracked handle, worth 4 gp and 9p. Because of their sizes, large characters may be penalized when using very small weapons, and vice versa. Large Creatures, 7 tall or bigger, can use Jagge weapons. Very Large Creatures, 10' tall ot bigger, can wield very large weapons. He owns 2 large sword. He would not inflict the extra damage since he does not have the required minimum Strength.
At your DM's option, encumbrance increases only when a weapon is larger than what its owner would normally use. Feel free tomodify encumbrance to reflect extra weight if needed Note that the owner of a weapon can infliccincreased damage only if he has the necessary Strength to wield the weapon. OF course, these weapons could have defects as'described earlier. Assume a very large dagger is buile fora very large creature.
Your DM will judge these situ- ations as they occur. Huge Creatures: If at all acceptable in your campaign, some much taller mon- sters than those described in this product could be played. A minimum Strength of 18 is needed to gain the extra damage bonus on huge weapons. This is suggested for encounters with NPC siants. Humanoid Armor Optional This entry mentions various defects plaguing armor equipment, but also the cffects of partial protection, or of odd assortments of armor pieces.
You can either choose the various armor pieces your character has from the chart below, or roll at random when scavenging a battle site. The encumbrance of armot pieces is determined the same way.
Find the nor- mal encumbrance for the type of armor; then find what fraction of encumbrance the»piece»of armor. Here again, a full set of armor can be mote cencumbering than normal armor. This is due to the fact that the pieces are mis- matched and do not fit well together. Note: Assume padded furs can be used for protection. A set of padded fur armor costs 10 gp, provides an AC of 8, and has an encumbrance of cn. Unfortu nately, it can't be worn in hot climates.
The follow- ing chart suggests protection ratings that help finding your Atmor Clas. Divided and subtracted from 9, the total comes to 8. Urgham is AC 8! Amon Failure Optional As if this weren't enough, humanoids also suffer ftom bad armor quality. However, every time a foe rolls an unmodified 20 to hit, the following things may happen: Random Armor Failure Table Game Effect 1, Amor pieces knocked out of place, hindering your movements.
Your AC is penalized 1 point uatil the atmor can be fastened back in place includes shield, if any , 2. Adjust your AC now includes shield if any. Armor is severely beaten. The unmodified score needed to ceuse an armor failure is reduced 1 point until armor pieces rating 10 points or more are replaced or added shield is not included here. Armor straps are rotten.
Each hita foe scores during this combat causes a ran- dom piece of armor to fall off shield included. Armor Sizes Optional Large humanoids always have difficulties finding body protection that fits their sizes. Multiply armor trading value for each extra foot in size, ot fraction of, above 5 feet. Example: Flea-Bottom the Hobgoblin measures 6' 6".
He is a bit large for shuman-size armor, and thus belongs to the next higher category. Double his amor trading value. JE he were a 22" tall storm giant, the trading value of his armor would be mul- tiplied by His shield would then cost gp instead of the notmal Wearing Smaller Pieces: Humanoids always have the option of wearing smaller pieces as part of their armor. However, protection will be equally reduced. Subtract 1 point of armor protection rating to the armor piece, per difference of sizes.
Creating Player Characters AAs an option, subtract wo points of protection ratings instead of one if the characteris fat check fitness. Example: Hungar the Troll is 8" call. He finds a kobold size chain mail 4 all cate- gory. A smaller humanoid may ty to wear an oversized piece of armor. However, not only will it not provide a better protection since it does not fit very well, but it also becomes extravagantly encumbering. Multiply encumbrance of the armor piece by the difference in size category.
Because of this, they may be in bad shape. Of course, there is no way of telling, especially for a neophyte humanoid adventurer, whether of not an adventus- ing item is in good condition. Remem- bet it looks goods bumaccid wil invariable muck it up! You can fail this check only once a day. Note: We do rot recommend or sanction the use of alcohol or drugs. Remove penalty when the disease is cuted. Panic causes you to flee, ot resist all attempts to come close to the object of your phobia.
You now should have a perfectly respectable monster, ready to brave the wild world of adven: tures! Jammudara was an ogre who survived a terrible curse thar turned him into a slimy horror. As a revenge he boiled his foes in a cauldron of bubbling tar and green slime, and ate them after ward. The foe must fit alive in the cauldron, and then iseaten atthe rate of 1 HD per turn, Rare Ogremoorian Juju Moss, macerated 2 week in the remaining goo, produces one dose of healing moss Followers: Heal as per cure serious wounds spell when eating a dose of Juju Moss.
Itmust be drenched in a foe's fresh blood at the time of consumption Causes a cataleptic trance lasting 1d12 hours. Kanaash, Karaash is often consid- ered a minor Immortal by ore tribes living outside the Broken Lands.
A great warrior also known as Mneval, he ravaged empires simply for the pleasure of win- ning and proving his strength. He is the prime example of war leader. Legends say that he caused the downfall of the Nithian empire by spreading insanity among its rulers and wizards. By blinding his foes, the Shining One could avoid their blows and trick them into deadly traps or strike them from behind.
Rumors say that a kobold tribe in Soderfjord has the sacred Shamans: Once a day, cast a flash of light from a shining part of the gri-gri. The atea must be dark, or pootly lighted for the flash to have an effect. Attempts to hide in shadows immediately after a shaman casts a flash automatically succeed.
Most trolls have no idea what an Immortal might AF be, of what worship is. A twoll would probably try to eat an Immor- tal, if meeting one. If you decide to have worshiping, spell casting tolls, use the faith below. Foes are eaten at the rate of 1 HD per tum, Shamans recover their spells by cating more foes, at the rate of 1 spell level per HD of eaten foe.
Poison when Wogar led his goblins to the Known World before reaching Immortality Wogat, also called Maglu- Diyet, was a great war lead- et and the best wolf handler ever seen Shamans: Can turn into a werewolf in wolf shape once per moon 4 weeks. The shaman retains his Intelligence, Wisdom, and memories, but cannot cast spells not handle items. The shaman reverts to his original hit points when returning to his natural form, which can be done anytime after transforming.
He was notorious for surprising foes who thought him destroyed. No one could ever tell whether he was a hobgob- lin or yellow ore. The hit points healed equal the difference between the die roll d20 and the score needed, plus one.
Energy-draining creatures! Very quickly he left his horde and became a wandering monster. His owner, 2 Glantsian Prince by the name of Innocen- tidi Malapictra, had him trained asa pro- fessional gladiator. Eventually, he escaped and later returned to Ogremoor.
Prince Innocenti will pay 2 reward of 5, gp for his return to Glantsi With his fearsome training, Alebane had little difficulty defeating the various Ogremoorian leaders who stood in his way to the tribal throne. Alebane owes his name to the number of drinking con- tests he has won, Alebane is an arrogant and very brutal leader. He will fight for the pleasure of fighting. Despite his chaotic nature, he dislikes arcacking a helpless foe, a rather unchallenging feat.
He would instead help an enemy regain some strength, and then fight him to the death. Thisattitude has sometimes gotten him into serious trouble. He may befriend a human ex- gladiator acting bravely or challenging hhim co a fighe.
He might spare the gladia- tor his life. He wears a large ting on his right hand, in fact a 7 HD huptzeen AC9 Creature Catalogue, page 27 , Uruk Vaath, the creator, instructed the huptzeen to stay with Alebane and secretly influence him to raid Red Oreland rather than Orcus Rex. Unbe- Knownst to Uruk, the enchantment is flawed.
Languages: Ogtemoorian, Tharian, and Glantrian. He will lie, trick, and destroy whenever possible to further the dark elven cause, He will not hesitate to kill followers of any true humanoid Immor- tal. Through the dark elves, his goal is to destroy all life on the surface, especially Altheim. In mortal form, Atzanteot! In demonic shape, he looks more like a jet-black feathered serpent with the face of an elf.
Faith: Wogar. Hs father was deposed after failing a major invasion of Hobgobland, both above and. So far, Doth has lacked the courage to confront her personally, fear- ing Her Majesty's fighting skill. King Doth isa coward. He has a nearly insane fear of Yazat, He is the perfect, sleazy vizier who tries to take over the kingdom, but lacks all moral values that would earn him respect.
He may ally with PGs if they support his cause — getting. She is equivalent toa L2th-level chief, usualy acting as spy, executor, of body-guard for Doth. Gaakie is the victim of a curse that makes her feel compelled to ingurgitate anything she identifies as 2 magical potion. Doth usually wears common furs, and sows of gold chains on his chest. Faith: hungry.
It is true that few trolls act seek the throne — many ignore what it for. Among the elite, some have felt the rnced to portray themselves as Master or Mistress of Tolls. The winner would be the chicf. Ragnu claimed they. Thus became Haak: tress of Trolls. Unfortunately, her short memory causes her to contradict herself since she tends to forget her own lies.
She is not interested in war, but might be talked into leading raids against neigh- bors for the fun of stealing food. Of course, in order to do just that, a party of adventurers might have to give up a limb fo two, just to keep the dear lady quit, temporarily. Hool is easy to recog nize with his facial paints his face is black from the eyes up. It was fong before a raiding party from Ocnkmar picked him up a8 a slave and 1 Forgotten City sce page ore information on the city.
His strength and skills did not go unnoticed. A local priest bought him from the Mines Superintendent, asa slave companion. Hutai learned much there about the city, and some more uncommon knowledge for common humanoids. Huta was free to go about the temple and manage other slaves, but his master took the precaution of questing his sex- vants not to ever speak of the city or any- thing relating to it.
Latet, Hutai escaped and returned to Hobgobiand with some valuable, religious treasure. So far he has been unable to take revenge of his years of captivity, because of his quest. He wears pointed felt boots with the tips curving up, puffy ts made of fur, chain mail, and a pointed helm. Huai thinks Yagrai sent Unanai, the creature, to serve and protect him. Unanai will do its best to protect Hurai in order to accomplish its task. Lan- guages: Hobgoblandish, Tharian, Ethengarian, Oenkmarian.
Faith: The Shining One. Contrary to most other tribal lands, Kol benefits from a thin layer of civilization, thanks to the ancestor of the Kols, the Great Skoldar. He lived to gain the Praefect's friendship, and even became his Captain of the Guard, learning more about the marvels of the Thyatian impe- tial society and its military.
Later emanci- pated, Skoldar went to the Broken Lands He founded a tribe there, now the Republic of Kol, a kobold-sized atis with an imperial arrogance. Unlike most other tribes of the Broken Lands, Constantin inherited his power from his parents. He is no hero, but a great politician.
He was raised by one of the teachers atthe school, and knows nothing of his mother. He himself became a teaching profes- sor at the Great School of Magic. Although a great spell caste, his lack of Charisma never allowed him to tise high in the school.
Incapable of finding the proper incan- tation to change his looks, he decided to leave the wizards. And away he went, into the Broken Lands, ending up at the forgotten City of Oenkmar. Amazed by its architectural beauty, wealth of history, and magical secrets, Angus decided 10 stay and learn more.
The'dim light of the city hooded cloak, his ugly looks, and hhis knowledge of Ocnkmarian allow him to go unnoticed among the orcs. He understands the humanoid ways, and has grown fond of the orcs.
He would never do nor allow to be done anything that would harm them. He knows he would certainly die quickly if ever discovered, but feels what he learns is worth the risk.
Angus may help adventurers in trouble in Oenkmar, as long as they respect his feelings for the orcs. One day, he plans to return to the Great School of Magic, and unveil hi fantastic discoveries. Without , and in bright light, his true race jous. His hump is phony, worn der his cloak. Angus is truly ugly, with white, greasy bait, porcine nose, and decayed teeth sticking out of his mouth.
He contract- ed this form of lycanthropy during a raid into New Averoigne, a region of Glantri highly contaminated by lycanthropes. He already was a clan chieftain at that time; the disease undoubtedly contributing to his success at becoming the Chief of Yel- low Orkia. In view of this, many ofthe ores accepted him as theit chief, without question.
They feat fe from Yagrai himself. Nomads he has been stalking the past years call him the Yellow Demon, but they never really observed him directly. Otherwise, Moghul-Khan is able to tur into a huge hog. In all shapes, a gold ring hangs at-his snout. This ring isa special ifem a charmed wie« ard crafted for him Before his death. The ting Conferd upon Moghul-Khan the jiavisibility he often uses to quietly leave his horde. He suffers from multiple personalities — a blessing from the Immortals, according to gaollish faith.
Nizam is quite paranoid and subject to fits of violence. Languages: Gnollistani, Thar- ian, and ancient Nithian. This bug- beat has lived life of head-bashing and combat frenzy that few other humanoid hheroes can rival. After badly messing up a small border village there, the youngsters were eventually captured and taken to Glantti.
Furious, the wizard took the time to pay a personal vist to Bugburbia, and blasted the camp. Not much was left of the late chief and his body guard. As far as the rest of camp, none of the surviving bug- bears were brave enough to get into trou- ble with the young terror.
Since then, they have always feared his magical powers none of which lasted more than a day, in fact. New Chief Ohe'r lived hap- pily ever after, and had many more heads to bash. Chief Ohr'r is a brute. In his mind, lobbering and being clobbered is just a fan game definitely worth its load of Jumps. Anything smaller than him, and wimpy-looking is simply not worth trouble.
Ohr'r talks only to someth big, and suspected of providing 2 fight. Itisonly after many good li the head that Ohe'r will talk bi serious problems, like hi head of a dragon rash enough to barge into the tribal cavern. Download or Read Online the orcs of thar dungeons dragons gazetteer gaz 10 book in our library is free for you. We provide copy of the orcs of thar. Merave added it Mar 23, And hobgoblins, kobolds, bugbears, gnolls, trolls, goblins, and more!
Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Mark marked it as to-read Aug 26, Orcs and the other humanoids are more than just anonymous hordes to be slaughtered for easy experience points — they are creatures with personality, culture, likes and dislikes, and a point Orcs?
Aleksi Stenberg added it Sep 14, Henrik rated it liked it Mar 27, To see what your friends thought 1 this book, please sign up. Greg marked it as to-read Oct 06, Lists with This Book. Peat rated it it was ok Dec 08, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Ronny rhar it Jul 25, Orcs and the other humanoids are more than just anonymous hordes to be slaughtered for easy experience points — they are creatures with personality, culture, likes and dislikes, and a point of view.
Thorfinn Tait rated it really liked it Jan 05, No trivia or quizzes yet. Much of that later attention came about through a multitude of d20 supplements, but there were also two orc-based RPGs: Green Ronin's Ork!
About the Creators. Heard was the lead on the whole initial rollout of the Known World. Please feel free to mail corrections, comments, and additions to shannon. Log In. New Account or Log In. Hide my password.
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Click here. Advanced Search. From Wizards of the Coast. Multiple File Formats. Average Rating 26 ratings. A Gazetteer about Orcs? It gives you a comprehensive, in-depth look at the orcs and their world, including: - Orcs and other humanoids as player characters - A large full-color map of Thar, home of the orcs - Complete rules for humanoid spell-casters - The King of the Orcs, and why you don't want to run into him - Seperate DM and Player's Booklets - ORCWARS! Some older content may reflect ethnic, racial, and gender prejudice that were commonplace in American society at that time.
These depictions were wrong then and are wrong today. This content is presented as it was originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed. This part of our work will never end. Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased. Reviews 1. Please log in to add or reply to comments.
I will buy it again.. I know it will sell well.. Please contact WotC so that you can make a print copy of this, thank you!
Why is this not POD its by far the most popular of all the Gazette books. I've been waiting for a print version for over a year.